Pittsburgh Atlanta, GA - Progress is on the move!

Thousands drive by it every day from 75 South and few would never suspect how close it hugs downtown Atlanta, but Pittsburgh is the next best place to live. One of the last few neighborhoods where housing is affordable and charming properties can be purchased and transformed into terrific investments.

Investors, Realtors and wise/savvy buyers are on the increase in Pittsburgh. Gentrification is in process. Like any neighborhood in transition, Pittsburgh has its problem. Most of which is a result of the city turning a blind eye to this small yet historical part of town. But a new and growing community association is making gains and attracting residents to get involved and create awareness to foster change.

This blog will post information from community meetings, reports and events that will keep Metro Atlanta informed. We welcome residents, friends and neighbors to participate in helping to create lasting change and help transform Pittsburgh into one of the most charming neighborhoods in Atlanta, GA.

Just south of the Capitol, Exit 244 University Avenue - A Weed & Seed Community...Literally 5 minutes to downtown, Midtown Atlanta.... Welcome to Pittsburgh Atlanta, Georgia.


deleted said...

All is quiet in Pittsburgh today. It seems like everyday I notice progress in our community. I noticed a new resident or familiy on Mcdaniel Street. For those living in Pittsburgh stop, look, and listen. Change is coming.

Nay said...

I purchased a house in Pittsburgh early last year with the hope that the neighborhood would continue to improve. I've been reading up on the Beltline Project. Does anyone have any updates on it and if it would actually benefit Pittsburgh?

Gentri said...

Re: previous blog and squatters. You need to get the good folks at the Housing Codes (404)330-6190 to condemn the property and get it "placarded". This means that the police can roll in and take anyone on the property away for criminal trespass... I'm in Kirkwood and I can tell you this is effective, if sometimes hard to get, as it had to be used at a "problem" house on my block. Squatting, drugs, noise, health concerns... I'm sure you know... Unless it is placarded, the police can't legally do anything as the absentee owner has to give them permission for them to do this.

I'm currently shopping around for a new (to me) house, Pittsburgh is currently on the A-list!

Any additional info regarding the area that can be thrown my way would be appreciated!

Good luck!

Gentri said...

forgot my email:

dcp2001 at hotmail dot com

Are any areas of Pittsburgh considered "better" than others?

What are some of the better streets?

Unknown said...

Viva Southwest Atlanta !!!
Check out West End neighborhood website: atlantawestend.com

Achie Hare said...

Hello, my name is Achie and I have lived in the Pittsburgh Community, on Windsor Street, since the very end of June 2008. I got my home for a terrific price, did a total rehab and transformed it from the inside out. Though I love my home, you are correct, the community needs improvement but from what I have read, it has come a long way. Thus far, I have experienced a brick through my window and my back door was kicked in. They stole my digital camera. (This happened Sep. 2008) When the brick was thrown through my window, the individual stood in the unkept, MAJORLY overgrown empty lot next to me so no one would see him (as he THOUGHT). Thank God that corner lot is now cleaned off! Since then, I have installed security bars and doors and additional surveillance. I still love my street; I just cover my family, home and belongings with much prayer. Beyond that, we were able to find out who did both crimes and as speculated, it happened to be truant adolescents/teens.

The community needs more love from its residents and I'm more than willing to assist in that process. I don't know many neighbors b/c, other than children, I never see anyone out. If you see me or my family, give us a shout!

Maul Bang said...

I am interested in a home to purchase in this area, but I must say I'm nervous about the neighborhood. Yet I believe that with help and community involvment that things can change. Hey Achie, are you still in the neighborhood?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I don't live in Pittsburgh, but I am truly encouraged by your community's committment to revitalize the neighborhood. One way that stand-out neighborhoods like Inman Park, Oakhurst, and Morningside/Lenox Park have defined their area as something they're INVESTING in is by planting trees. Nothing builds community pride quite like nature, and that's the truth.

I'm not trying to sell anything, but I WILL pass on the information that Trees Atlanta, a local non-profit environmental group, is having a tree sale on October 10th, 2009. They'll have over a 1,000 native and unusual trees for sale. And throughout the winter, this organization even arranges neighborhood plantings of 30 or 40 trees at a time, if neighbors are organized; these plantings tend to be free! Check with them for more info (I THINK their website is treesatlanta.org), and good luck with revitalizing your neighborhood; it looks like this will continue to grow into one of Atlanta's best kept secrets.

Unknown said...

Hi, I am interested in finding out some facts about this neighborhood, for an article, does anyone have any idea where to find some info? I am particularly interested in learning about its history.

Ramon2010 said...

The police are getting paid too look the other way. I moved too Pittsburg last year. I see the same crackheads everyday. Why cant they get rid of them? THEY are the ones ruining the area,stealing the HVAC's, etc. I've counted two crack-houses on Garibaldi, just drive down it around 1am and you will see them too. I cant get outta my car at Chevron or Exxon without being harassed by zombies. The newer houses are worth an average of 30K but the city wont lower the property tax below 120K! Thieves! and the bank wont give an equity line of credit, were between a rock and a hard place. To live here, you must be strapped, although the houses were built flimsy over night for mortgage fraud; they are a great price for anyone looking for an investment. To all my neighbors in Pittsburg, please leave your lights on at night to help keep the neighborhood safer, dont be naive. Install a security system in your home, inevest in a fence(outta sight, outta mind) dont be afraid to call the police when you see suspicious people. Also, if we can somehow shut down these little corner stores, 80% of the riff-raff criminals will disappear. This place could turn into the next grant Park, we just have to stay focused. We can do it. I have faith in all of you.

God bless,

sincerely yours, Brandon

Nia said...

Hi Tony!

Can I get your email addy? I'd like to speak with you further. Thanks

Nia Knowles
NPU-T chair


michaela said...

I'm about to move back from San Francisco to Atlanta. In the past 2 years I bought many homes in Pittsburgh and have now decided that I might as well move into one of them, instead of paying through the nose for rent here. I'd like to be active in cleaning up the neighborhood, but don't know any other people, so feel free to contact me at varinia61@hotmail.com
I'm leaving here end of Dec.

Anonymous said...

Nice post. Thanks for the sharing.

Curtiss said...

Me and my wife just purchased a home on Arthur st by Salvation Army. I believe the neighborhood is beautiful. Our main problem starts on McDaniel. Hopefully the problems there will be solved then our community can grow. Also I'm noticing some movement in the big vacant lot on university across from McDaniel. Hopefully its something big such as retail. That will def. Help.

Oddree said...


Hi said readers, hopefully I get a few! Sorry my blog profile is incomplete. This is my first blog ever, I just now created my blog profile upon finding out about this blog concerning the Pittsburg Atlanta neighborhood. I am so excited to find a way to connect with people in the area because I am desperately seeking local help. I need feed back from people in the area so please comment away.

I purchased 3 properties in the neighborhood a little over a year ago. I purchased them with the property manager in place who was with them before I purchased. The manager was boarding them out when I purchased. I kept the manager on with the understanding of my intent to turn the properties into traditional rental properties, and we agreed. Shortly after I purchased my manager was offered a job out of state and left the area quite suddenly, leaving my properties in free fall. The tenants stopped paying rent while continuing to run up utilities in my name. Long story short, I have managed to evict two of the properties, and I am working on the last one and soon I will be ready to rent again, but this time I want a solid manager. I work over seas. I can not manage these properties alone. I need a management company who is familiar with the area to help me take care of these properties. I did extensive research on the development project in place for this area and had great hopes for being a part of the change. However, after my first year owning these properties all I have done is continue to be a part of the problem. I am embarrassed and deeply apologetic to the folks in the Pittsburgh community for the fact that my properties have hindered the progressive efforts forward thus far, but hopefully after I receive some recommendations from you guys I can find the right management company to manage my properties. I am looking for a property management agency who can help me provide you with honest hard working neighbors. If you have some good neighbors who rent, ask them to give you the name of their rental agency and please pass it along to me. Understand, I am just a humble business owner. I was able to purchase these properties for a very low price. I bought the properties with intentions of renting them out over the next five to ten years while I simultaneously add energy efficient updates so that when I am finally ready to sell not only can I offer potential home buyers affordable mortgages, but I will also offer them an up to date energy efficient home with affordable utilities. I am not greedy, I do not come from much myself, I have just been fortunate enough to have a decent job. I work hard. I have been working 60 to 90 hours a week the last 6 years, constantly away from home! I want to make my money work for me so that at some point I can slow down and, God willing, have a family so I do hope to make some money off of this investment, but I am not looking to rob anyone either. I bought these homes at an affordable price so I am happy to rent them at an affordable price and sell them at an affordable price. Above all I don't want this investment to be something that brings me shame as it has the last year. I want to be proud of what I do with these properties and walk away feeling like I was part of the progress and change in the area, but again, I need your recommendations as to who the right people are so I can be a part of that change. Phone calls are welcome 281-928-7243 ring me, text me any time with suggestions.

Unknown said...

Exciting to see all this positive change in Pittsburgh! Thx for hosting this blog, we will be following & checking back for updates regularly.

Sassy said...

I recently brought a house in Pittsburg. I have decided to live in it.. I am extremly scared but I am hoping tha when the belt line come it brings up the value of property.

Michaela said...

Sassy, I lived for 1.5 years in my Pittsburgh house. Am white, blonde and stick out lick a sore thumb. Never had a break-in or major problem. But I always had a dog

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I grew up in the neighborhood of Pittsburgh and am now writing a book about my experience growing up in this unique place. I have recently moved back to Atlanta not to far from Pitsburgh. I would love to see this area be reminisence of the place I still call home. I hope they build an affordable (garden style) senior residence in the community so that I can really say to others that I have come home to roost.

Jared Alan Miller said...

. . . New to the community, and I love it. Is anyone still active in the community?

Michaela said...

Hi, Jared,
I have a number of properties in Pittsburgh.

Michaela said...

Hi, Jared,
I have a number of properties in Pittsburgh.

DatBayouGirl said...

Good morning to you all. My Dad and Mom grew up in this area, and I would love to learn more bout it. @Riri Scott said you're writing a book...has your book been published yet? I would love to read it

Tasha Moody-Love